We are closed for the season. We will be re-opening Friday March 4th. We are preserving soups and sauces out of the fall harvest and will have a great supply when we open. We will be harvesting spring greens and selling holdovers from the fall harvest such as potatoes, squash and apples, and we will have some local hothouse items such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Local grass-fed meats, eggs, cheeses, seafood, ice cream, milk and more will all be available at that time as well. As spring unfolds we will have asparagus, peas, broccoli, rhubarb and on into the season. We will be selling herb and veggie starts, composts and other garden necessities starting in April.
New this year we will be doing free-range chicken eggs, and grass-fed beef grown on our farm. Our laying flock will be producing rainbow mixes of fresh eggs, and grown on fresh rotation pasture, kitchen scraps and local grain. The beef will be grass-fed ground beef, USDA approved and available in convenient 1 lb packages.
Thank you anyone who helped make our first season go so well and we are excited for another year.